Friday, February 3, 2017

Renaissance period

The Renaissance period in Europe lasted approximately 200 years, overlapping at its beginning with the end of the Middle Ages, and at its conclusion with the period of Reformation.

This era saw the founding of the humanities in their contemporary form, and was propelled forward by a creator tension between the glorification of God and the glorification of humankind. The era yielded some of Europe’s greatest artists, political thinkers, and religious dissidents.

Catholic church of Renaissance period in Pavia, Italy
During the Renaissance period the Europeans started overtaking the previously more advanced cultures of China, India and Muslim world. This was true not only in architecture, but also in the arts and science and technology.

The Renaissance period also influenced some of the educational forms available to children of the elite, which became more varied. Children of merchant, artisan and peasant classes continued to be educated much as they had been during the medieval period.
Renaissance period

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