The Saxons originated from south of the Angels, between the Elbe and Weser rivers, a region known in Bede’s day as ‘Old Saxons’.
Ptolemy is the first writer who mentions the Saxons among the German or Teutonic tribes.
From his statements it appears that they were a people of the Gothic or Scythian race, who about AD 140 inhabited the main land at the mouth of the Elbe and some neighboring islands.
The ancient Saxons have no king, but many chief set over their people. They all follow their leader and obey during the war.
The continental Saxons in the 8th and preceding centuries were under an aristocracy of chieftains and had no kings but in war; and that the war-kings who were then chosen laid aside their power when peace re-established.
In Britain, it is there ascertained that the Saxons were a confederacy of different tribes united for mutual defense against the Romans. Two of these were the Angels and Jutes, who in AD 449, were among the first and chief settlers in Britain.
The Saxons settled mainly in south-east England, and were initially divided into East, South, Middle and West Saxons.
Subsequent to the emigration to Britain, the Saxons remaining on the continent were in a constant conflict with the France.
Old-Saxons occupied the greater part of Low, Platt or Northern Germany. These Saxons or Old –Saxons, chiefly remaining in their ancient localities, retained their low, soft or Old-Saxon dialect in great purity.
These Old-Saxons preserved their freedom till about AD 785 when after a gallant opposition of thirty-three years, they were subdued by Charlemagne, who by much cruelty forced them to embrace Christianity.
Charlemagne secured his authority by the forcible expulsion of one-third part of the Saxon people, who were dispersed in various realms, whilst their territory was divided amongst Frankish rules, Bishops, Counts and Vassi.
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