Wheat as a staple food was cultivated in ancient Greece in prehistoric
times. Cultivation of wheat began to spread beyond the Fertile Crescent
after about 8000 BC. Jared Diamond in his excellent book, “Guns Germs
and Steel”, traces the spread of cultivated emmer wheat starting in the
“Fertile Crescent” about 8500 BC, reaching Greece by 6500 BC, Egypt
shortly thereafter, followed by introductions in Germany and Spain by
5000 BC.
Cereals, vine, and oil were the basic agricultural products in ancient
Greece like in the entire Mediterranean region. The choice to cultivate
depended first on environmental conditions. Wheat was one of the main
cereal crops in ancient Greek agriculture.
The coastal lowlands were very attractive for ancient people thus
most of the human settlements had been established in such areas.
Mild winters and hot summers are the characteristics of the
coastal lowlands of the Greece. This type of climate is very
advantageous for some annual crops like wheat and for some perennial
crops like olive.
Bread made from wheat was eaten, and flour was sold in the
markets of Athens and elsewhere. Grain from the Greek colonies
in southern Italy was shipped to Athens through the port of
Piraeus and ground into particularly soft white flour. In ancient
Greece, a keen rivalry existed between cities as to which produce the
best bread.
The Greeks planted “naked wheat,” an evolved variety whose grain could
be easily separated from the hulls when threshed. Until the Greeks
arrived, the Egyptians used only Triticum turgidum of the dicoccum variety, which require more labor to arrive at the same result.
Wheat cultivation in ancient Greece
Dandelion Coffee: A Healthy, Caffeine-Free Alternative
Dandelion coffee, crafted from the roasted roots of the dandelion plant (*Taraxacum
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