The first reports of coffee reached Europe through a 1582 account of his travels by Leonhart Rauwolf, a doctor and botanist from Augsburg, in which he referred to coffee as being ‘as black as ink’.
However, Alpinus (Prospero Alpini), in 1591 was the first who scientifically described it.
The Dutch were the first to introduce the plant into Europe.
In 1650, the first coffeehouse opened its doors in Oxford, England, its proprietor a Turkish Jew named Jacob.
Coffee houses multiply and become such popular forums for learned and not so learned.
In the early 1640s, the first European coffeehouse opened for business in Venice, Italy.
In France, the first coffeehouse opened in 1671. It was set-up in Paris by an Armenian name Pascal, but meeting with little encouragement he removed to London. He was succeeded by other Armenian and Persians.
By 1843, there were thousands of coffeehouses throughout Europe and the American colonies.
Brazilian coffee industry gets started in 1727 from seedlings smuggled out from Paris.
From the mid-seventeenth century through the mid-eighteenth, home consumption of coffee in Europe was most common among the wealthier classes.
They could more easily afford the high price of coffee, which dropped only during the course of the eighteenth century.
The arrival of coffee in Europe
Dandelion Coffee: A Healthy, Caffeine-Free Alternative
Dandelion coffee, crafted from the roasted roots of the dandelion plant (*Taraxacum
officinale*), has gained popularity as a caffeine-free alternative to